by Walter Rudametkin linux bug
Posted 2014.03.19 — Rennes, FranceI use acrobat reader sometimes, like when people send me an annotated pdf or if Evince doesn't print it properly. My main pdf reader is Evince, but it's a bit buggy. Also, I use okular to annotate pdfs, which it does a fine job at.
Anyhow, I was getting the following error after applying some updates:
acroread: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It took me a while to track down the problem, which has a simple solution, just find the missing symbolic link. I ran into this page that describes the issue but nobody had provided the proper command
Acroread is x86 32 bits but I'm running Fedora 20 x86_64, so I didn't see initially that my libEGL that I was trying to link with was the wrong one. Anyhow, make sure you have the right libEGL installed:
#List the files
repoquery --list mesa-libEGL.i686
#Install or reinstall just to make sure
yum reinstall mesa-libEGL.i686
Fedora uses different lib directory for 32 and 64 bit binairies. We want to point to the 32 bit one, so the command to fix acroread is:
ln -s /usr/lib/ /opt/Adobe/Reader9/Reader/intellinux/lib/
Sorry, no comments enabled for now because I'm using a simple static site generator (maybe I'll try out disqus another day).
But if you like what you see, send me an email.