Category    feature

Make chromium faster with video acceleration

by Walter Rudametkin     linux chromium feature

Posted 2014.04.07 — Rennes, France

I tried this on my Dell e6530 and it seems to work pretty good.

For video acceleration : Go to chrome://flagsOverride software rendering list → Set to Enable

This works for both Chrome and Chromium.

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Add Chrome PDF Viewer to Chromium on Fedora 20 x86_64

by Walter Rudametkin     linux chromium feature

Posted 2014.04.02 — Rennes, France

I really would like a PDF reader that saves the open pdf files in tabs, like a browser does. It would let me get back to reading whatever I was reading after a restart. Currently, I try to restart as little as possible, usually between 20 and 40 days in order to save all my open stuff. I would use Mendeley except the open tabs feature request has been open since 2009 and not implemented yet!!!

My answer for PDFs is to use my browser to store my open files. It might be a little overkill but it does the job decent enough. I mainly use Firefox + mozplugger + evince, but I also use the Chrome and Chromium browsers for different things including reading PDFs. Chrome has a simple PDF plugin that I like and its pretty fast, but Chromium doesn't have it because of licensing issues.

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Reduce touchpad sensitivity on a Dell e6430

by Walter Rudametkin     linux feature

Posted 2014.03.23 — Rennes, France

I find the touchpad on my laptop way to sensitive by default. To change it, I've found the following settings comfortable:

xinput set-prop "AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad" "Synaptics Finger" 18 18 18

I also have a wireless mouse that I sometimes use. It's way to sensitive. The following command makes it useable:

xinput set-prop "HP Wireless Optical Mobile Mouse" "Device Accel Adaptive Deceleration" 1.5
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'Tis me blog matie

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