by Walter Rudametkin linux bug
Posted 2014.04.10 — Rennes, FranceI started running into a weird problem that I didn't immediately identify. Some programs just started failing: libreoffice, chrome, chromium, firefox, eclipse, ...
It was quite undeterministic and depended on the system ressources being fairly well used. I thought it was a RAM issue, not having enough memory would cause programs to fail. I have somewhat agressive ram settings, but, I also have 16 GB of RAM on my computer. Well, it wasn't a memory issue, I was able to reproduce the issue with loads of memory still left over.
Here's some of the messages I was getting.
Libreoffice: (similar bug here)
Chrome and Chromium:
An example of the pthread create bug on another program is here
Some other side-effect messages appeared like:
I have all kinds of browsers installed on my computer, and I'm always messing around with their configurations. I'm working on some stuff that requires using different browsers. I also have a lot of open tabs. But this bug appeared whenever I was running Chromium and Google Chrome, making me believe they couldn't be run together. The problem is that with a decent number of tabs both browser start hundreds of threads. Like 500!
Here's some commands to count running threads on your system. Not sure which one is best, they give different answers:
If you do the test you'll see that chromium and chrome use huge amounts of threads. Right now I have Chrome@658 threads
, Chromium@601 threads
, Firefox@39 threads
, Opera@4 threads
But why is there a limit anyway? Threads are cheap and I have lots of RAM. And, what is the limit set at? To find out, we'll use the ulimit
Who the heck came up with 1024 and why?
According to bug 432903 this should reduce the risk of forkbombing. But, as explained more recently, it's somewhat useless since a malicious user can still augment the soft thread limit and continue bombing bug 919793.
The limit is ancient and should be changed. Here's how to do it.
The command works in a shell and is applied to all programs run from that shell. If you open a new shell, the old limit will apply. It sucks when you can't open any more terminals because there's no threads though! In my case, changing the limit immediately allowed me to launch browsers without them crashing.
Edit /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf
This will fix the system. Reboot and voilĂ .
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